In the past, methods for hair removal included plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis and chemical depilatories. These options are painful, messy and time consuming. Also, some are expensive!
Lumenis LightSheer beats the competition with greater comfort, lasting results and cost effectiveness. Plus, studies show LightSheer is more than 75% faster than the average hair reduction session.
Another bonus, it features the unique HIT™ and ChillTip™ technologies for pain relief.
HIT technology stands for High-Speed Integrated Technology. It works by using suction to elevate and stretch the skin. In doing so, the laser achieves absorbs more hair follicles and provides faster coverage for large areas. As a result, your skin doesn’t come into contact with heat for as long.
The ChillTip™ technology uses a special cooling system to temporarily numb the skin. As a result, this also provides pain relief. With ChillTip, the skin is cooled before and during treatment.